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Więcej informacji, w tym o możliwości zmiany ustawień, znajdziesz w naszej POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI

logo Victor zielone

Connect your fitness & training apps
with Google Fit or Apple Health,
so that all your trainings can be
viewed in Victor.

Connect your fitness
& training apps
with Google Fit or Apple Health,
so that all your trainings can be
viewed in Victor.

Connect with Google Fit
(for Android)

Your app is not listed?

Other apps

Connect with Apple Health
(for iOS)

Your app is not listed?

Other apps

Synchronize steps data from your
smartwatch or smartband with Victor.

Synchronize steps data from your smartwatch or smartband with Victor.



If you use Apple Watch, there is no required additional synchronization
in order to display your steps data in Victor.

All company, product or service names as well as further trademarks and brand names
are the property of their respective owners and are used for information purposes only.